I wanted to do a little more with hybrid this week rather than just printing it out and putting it together. Hybrid means joining digital with anything - I suppose cutting and pasting is part of it but to me it really means to add additional embellishments to make it a truly handmade card.
The card size is 5x7:)
This is the digital version. pretty simple and no embellishing. I did add some drop shadows to the digital version but left that off of the actual card.
Download the card and the 8 1/2 x 11 cutout page
HEREThis is the hybrid version. I added the ink around the edges using my ever trusty tea stain inking pad. I have a variety of colors but I think that the tea stain seems to go well with almost any colors.
Then I decided to do a bit of sewing. I love using stitches in my digital work but it looks SO much nicer when the thread is real and you can actually see the holes. I added a sticker that I had on hand and then went back and added a similar quote to the digital just to give a comparison.
The last touch was the addition of a few buttons. They were on clearance at a local shop and I scooped up as many of each color as I could. If you don't have these I am sure almost any buttons in a button stash would work, find coordinating colors and go from there.
You can really finish this off anyway that you want - that is the great thing about hybrid - it isn't done until you say it is!
I used this great new kit by Genia Beana Scraps which you can find at